Legal Services

On the financial side this includes dealing with both small and large asset pools, family trusts and corporate entities, business and real estate valuations, superannuation splits, international property, spousal maintenance and Binding Financial Agreements. In relation to children our work includes acting in relocation disputes, family violence matters, contravention applications, parenting alienation, cases involving substance abuse and mental health issues, and child support matters.

Family Law

Wealth of experience across both complex and simple cases across a full spectrum of Family Law issues.

Divorce Law & Relationship Breakdowns

If you’re experiencing relationship breakdowns and looking to apply for a divorce, our lawyers are here to help.

Child Support and Maintenance

Avoid lengthy, hostile disputes, especially as those matters involve children.

Property Settlement Lawyers

We help you cut through the commercial quagmire and financial spaghetti that often surrounds financial arrangements.

Private Business Acquisition and Restructures

Offering truly outstanding strategy, ideation and technical execution service for mid-market businesses.

Prenups and Binding Financial Agreements

Rockwell Private Law have the grounded experience and knowledge to get the results and outcomes you’re looking for.

Estate Planning and Asset Protection

Estate planning services to corporate executives, entrepreneurs, and other high-net-worth individuals.

Leading the way in thought change.